Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Check out the new site

I will be posting mainly over on the new website just to keep things clean.

Check it out over @ www.trailled.com


Friday, September 18, 2009

CNC run of the darkstar has been delayed until Tuesday the 22nd. I will get all orders out as quickly as possible once I receive them. All other orders are going out on time.

Thanks for your patience

Friday, September 11, 2009

Darkstar Update

Should have the CNC run completed by next Friday Everybody keep your fingers crossed.

Knee is doing better so I am hobbeling around the shop(Garage) now.

Orders are going out as scheduled.

Stay tuned for more big news coming the end of September!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

new knee

Well the ACL surgery went great, the post op not so much.

Massive swelling and a hematoma later I think I am finally on the mend. Will be back to making lights in the next week or two I hope.

Had a great response to the lights at the DORBA picnic at RCP. Thanks to all that stopped by and commented on the lights.

No more typing until I get off the meds so I don't say something more stupid than usual

Monday, July 27, 2009

Back in Black

Vacation is so much work, and then you have twice as much work when you do get back. Oh well. I am ramping up to do a CNC run of the Darkstar. You peeps are just wanting more lights than I can make in my spare time so time to enlist a pro I think.

I have got the anodizing thing down now and am gearing up for the DORBA meeting on Tuesday August 4th at RCP. If you are going I will have my full line up of lights for show and demo.

Here is what the black Ano came out as today. They say that black is the hardest color, and I thought I was in for a long day today because when I took it out of the die it was iridescent brown. I almost started over, but thought I should buff it out just to see what it looked like. Good thing I did, because it was black baby!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

On Vacation

Will Be playing with the Kid and drinking myself silly this week so no updates. I believe I updated everyone before I left if not send an email and I will get back to you when I can!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

You ask, You get

I have been wanting to do this since I started building lights, and finally got to where I felt I had done enough research to possibly succeed.


What is that you say?

Why, it's an Anodizing line of course!

And it let's me do stuff like this...


Here it is next to some Naked Aluminium


This was just a quick trial run with some cheap RIT die so the color didn't stick, but I have since been able to get some good color renditions. Even if the color didn't stick on this one it got plenty of surface thickness and is hard as a rock so I think it was a great first attempt.

Colors here I come!

Friday, June 12, 2009

New Connectors

I like the weatherpack connectors, but they are a little bulky so thanks to a post over on MTBR I found some new ones that work a treat.

Helmet Mounting Options

There are two options for mounting on your noggin.

Step 1

Install included hook and loop type material to light and helmet.
Velcro strips

Peel and Stick

Helmet mount is the same, but customize for what works for you.

My setup


Step 2
Now the tough part. Push and twist.

If that isn't secure enough for you (and man do I want to ride with you if it isn't) then add a little reinforcement.

I will work on the bar mount shortly.

Friday, May 22, 2009

thank you photobucket

Man never had to email customer service just to get a response that they were doing maintenance in the middle of the day. They could have just posted on their FAQ's.

I guess you get what you pay for.

Anyway the photos are back up if you couldn't tell

Friday, May 15, 2009

Blame photobucket

somehow my account got screwed up over there so no pics until they can either fix it or I move the photos locally to blogger


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Do you hear that? It's angels singing because...


Where is the Dancing Banana smiley when you need it?



Either my wife hates me or loves me because this is going to keep me really busy out in the garage. I am going with the latter, but you never know. :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bar mount pics

I have had a few requests for how you mount these on your bars. Here you go...



It is a cateye bar mount modified, of course. Velcro loops through, then doubles under so the light is locked down good and tight. It can mount either over or under the bars, really doesn't matter.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Donate to a good cause

SHolmes over on the DORBA forum http://www.dorba.org/ participated in a cause that hits close to home for me. My Mother in-law has MS and Scott is/has participated in the MS 150 bike ride this year. Click here for the link to his donation page SHolmes

This is one event that is on my list of things to accomplish in the near future, but honestly it snuck up on me this year.

In an effort to help both my Mother in-law and Scott out, I am donating the Bling Light to be auctioned off here Auction.

So if you could go over and bid on the light and or donate directly to the cause I would appreciate it.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

XPE has landed

A new model of LED's came out probably about 6 months ago now, and I was slow to make the move as I was so happy with my current versions. Well ODTexas showed me the light literally with his set up so I made the plunge. These suckers are small. I can fit 4 in the same housing size as the old LED's. AND I just found out yesterday that they have a new version coming out Q3 that is 55% more efficient and something like 3 times as bright so we are talking in the neighbor hood of 1300 lumens from something this size with about the same run time once they are available.

Another bonus to these is that you can have individual optics for each LED. This particular one has two elliptical and two spots. Makes it pretty cool! Here is the prototype model.

Quad front

Quad front

Quad bottom

Quad front

Quad side

This is designed to be a bar mount so I made it with a lot of spread. But if you wanted a spot, this baby can have it in spades.

4XPE by it's lonesome on high.


Here is what it looks like on high with a 500l spot.

And for crazy bright with the Darkstar and the 4XPE both on high.

* The wall is about a 135 - 140 feet away and the trees in the back are about 200 or so feet away.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Who wants some BLING

Chrome is always a good thing, right? I don't anodize my lights yet so no gold, but silver is the next best thing.

bling angle

bling front

Bling top

Maybe a little over the top, but I am a sucker for a good piece of chrome.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


As I have started to make more of these for people I have been playing around with ways to maximize production and incorporate a few design suggestions. But, of course, that always leads to slight variations, so on with the pictures.

Notice the nifty new slots on the bottom. As I said before, I will be adding this to all new lights. I even managed to retro-fit an older one.

TS Bottom

I need to get a better shot of this, but I got a new piece of tooling that allows me to easily cut a radius on a corner. Makes for a nice round corner instead of a cutting edge.

TS Front

I also moved everything back to the back for a couple reasons.
1. I got a complaint on this version about turning it off with a tree branch. oops.
2. It is quicker as far as machining goes.
3. More surface area for cooling.

TS Back

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It has been way too long since an update, but the real job has been getting in the way again...

So I sent my first light out by mail the other day to Oregon. So that was exciting. The initial report was good and the Darkstar was reported as the brightest light on the trail. Yess! I made a slight adjustment at the owners request on this light and think I will incorporate it into all my new designs

Nifty Huh. No more worries about losing it no matter what.

I also recently completed the Bullit as a swap for a SS bike.
I think it turned out well.

I wanted this one to turn out really well and be really reliable as the guy is a fireman, and wanted to use it for both biking and at work

I think I succeeded as he reported back the the beam was great for looking for a dead body in the woods at night.
OK then! Guess we have a winner.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Beamshots from the darkstar.

This is actually from one that has one flood and one spot mounted in it.



the low was photoshopped to correct for a crappy camera, high beam is accurate.

Both taken at about 130 feet from the wall. High beam is good well beyond 200 feet.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thanks to those that received theirs. Let me know what you think about them once you use them.

To cold in the Garage today, and on Daddy duty, so I thought I would update a little. I have been working on a couple of new lights and here is the latest development. I have had a 1000 lumen light before, but there is always room for improvement. both with LED's and design. So I give you DarkStar(how do you do a tounge in cheek smiley?), 1200 + lumens of night luvin

DS web

DS front  brochure

DS glow web